Unexplained weight gain - Rebalance Hormone Clinic

What Causes Unexplained Weight Gain?

Ugh, there's nothing more frustrating than stepping on the scale and seeing those numbers creep up for no apparent reason, right? You're eating the same, exercising the same, but your body seems to be rebelling. Let's explore some potential causes of unexplained weight gain:

Q: Could it be a hormonal imbalance? A: You betcha! Hormones like cortisol, thyroid, and insulin can throw your metabolism out of whack if they're not in balance. High cortisol (the stress hormone) can lead to increased appetite and belly fat storage. An underactive thyroid can slow your metabolism to a crawl. And insulin resistance can cause your body to store more fat.

Q: What about medication side effects? A: Bingo! Certain meds like antidepressants, steroids, and diabetes drugs are known culprits for packing on the pounds. If you've noticed weight creep after starting a new prescription, that could be the sneaky saboteur.

Q: Is it just getting older? A: Unfortunately, yes. As we age, our metabolism naturally slows down, and muscle mass decreases. That means our bodies don't burn as many calories as they used to, even if our activity levels stay the same. The horror!

Now, if you've ruled out those potential causes and are still scratching your head, it might be time to visit a specialist like Rebalance Hormone Clinic. Their team of experts can run comprehensive tests to identify any underlying hormonal imbalances or metabolic issues that could be stalling your weight loss efforts.

"Rebalance Hormone Clinic really helped me get to the root of my unexplained weight gain. Their personalized treatment plan had me feeling like my old self again in no time!" - Satisfied Client

At the end of the day, unexplained weight gain can be incredibly frustrating, but don't lose hope! With a little detective work (and maybe some expert help), you can get that number on the scale moving in the right direction again.

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